Politics Personal data processing

PROQUIM INDUSTRIAL S.A.S, welcoming and compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and the Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013 and what is recorded in Article 15 of our Political Constitution, adopts and applies this policy for the treatment of personal data. Proquim Industrial SAS, states that it guarantees privacy, rights to privacy, and the good name of people, during the process of treating personal data, in all activities, which will have the principles of confidentiality, security, legality, access , freedom and transparency.

It is committed not to disclose the information that is digited or transferred to our company, in accordance with the rules of Law 527 that regulates electronic commerce in Colombia and Law 1581 of 2012 on the use of confidential data. With this Personal Data Treatment and Protection Policy, Agreements and Policies were supplemented previously beforehand.

Proquim Industrial SAS, to comply with data protection policies and the obligations of Law 1581 of 2012, its regulatory decrees and other rules that complement it, add, enrich or modify, takes into account the following for handling of information and personal data:

Personal information is one of the most important assets, therefore, the treatment of this information is carried out with great care and addressing what is established by law, guaranteeing people full exercise and respect for their right of habeas data.

The information found in the own database has been obtained in development of the activity of Proquim Industrial S.A.S, its collection has been made and will always be attended to criteria and legal normative.

Scope of the data protection policy:

The Personal Data Protection Policy of ProQUIM Industrial S.A.S will apply to all databases and / or files containing personal data, which for Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S is subject to responsible and / or in charge of the treatment of personal data.

The treatment of personal data should be done in the terms, conditions and scope of the authorization of the owner and / or in application of special rules when proceeding some legal exception to do so. Any type of request, product of the exercise of duties and rights enshrined in the policy, may be directed at 23 # 36 B 49 of the city of Cali, Colombia, with contact telephone 3808787 and email: cartera@proquimindustrial.com

Responsible for personal data processing

Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S, headquartered on Calle 23 # 36 B 49 of the city of Cali, Colombia, with contact telephone 3808787 - 3816570 and email cartera@proquimindustrial.com He will be responsible for the treatment of personal data and databases.

 Purpose of the collection and processing of personal data:

The purpose of the Personal Data Protection Policy seeks:

  1. Instrument the collection and processing procedures of personal data to the provisions of the Law.
  2. Generate an organized scheme to safeguard private, semi-private, public and sensitive data from its headlines.

The purpose of ProQUIM Industrial S.A.S with respect to the collection and processing of personal data versus:


Taking into account that it is a company that is dedicated to the production, import, export, distribution, and sale of articles for domestic and industrial toilet as well as all the raw materials and chemicals that are used for the elaboration of them. All kinds of chemicals for institutional and personal toilet. Chemical products for animals and their derivatives. Food products for coffee shop and its derivatives. Products for the manufacture of clothing, fabrics and lingerie, fajas, medicated fajas and products to make all kinds of men, women and children in general. You can import, export, sell and market cell phones, video cameras, photographic cameras and appliances. You can also market and manufacture food such as Dulcery and Confectionery. You can represent brands in the national and abroad environment. In the same way you can buy, sell, distribute, import and export products for stations in general and all your items, motorcycle rims, tires, tires, car spare parts, motorcycle spare parts, flat sewing machines and all your spare parts, Medical articles, Hospitals and clinics, Dental items, Materials for dentists, Articles for Industrial and Hospitable Laundries.

Therefore, the user accepts that ProQUIM INDUSTRIAL S.A.S Contact you by different channels as a fixed telephone, cell phone, text messages to your cell phone, email and social networks, to offer you information and benefits, providing information, benefits and offers.


This purpose includes specifically salary payments and obligations as an employer of affiliations and contributions to social security and compensation boxes, both employees and their families and control of labor novelties such as permits, disabilities, access control and work schedule of the employee.


Permanent contact for request for quotes and management of commercial relations that arise, in order to acquire its products or services as inputs for the operation according to the corporate reason of Industrial Prokim S.A.S.


Proquim Industrial S.A.S receives in its facilities with little frequency and minimum visitors, taking into account that the full sale of the products of ProQUIM Industrial S.A.S is via Internet or by means of order to commercial advisors and their delivery through conveyors.

The information provided by visitors as an access control, is registered by the security company in the entry of the area, who handle your entry form, seeking control over possible incidents of security and identification of people that enter the area and the installations of industrial proquim SAS


  1. Authorization:Previous consent, express and informed of the owner to carry out the treatment of personal data.
  2. Notice of Privacy:Verbal or written communication generated by the person responsible for the owner for the treatment of his personal data, through which he is informed about the existence of information processing policies that will be applicable, how to access them and the Goal of the treatment that is intended to give to personal data.
  3. Database:Organized set of personal data that is subject to treatment.
  1. Personal fact:Any information linked or that can be associated with one or more particular or determinable natural persons.
  1. Private data:It is the fact that by its intimate or reserved nature is only relevant to the owner.
  1. Sensitive data:Sensitive data is understood by those that affect the intimacy of the owner or whose improper use can generate its discrimination, such as those that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical convictions, belonging to unions, social organizations, of Human Rights or that promotes interests of any political party or that guarantee the rights and guarantees of political parties of opposition, as well as the data related to health, sexual life and biometric data.


  1. Treatment manager:Natural or legal, public or private person, which by itself or in association with others, perform the treatment of personal data on behalf of the treatment manager.
  1. Responsible for treatment:Natural or legal, public or private person, which by itself or in association with others, decides on the database and / or treatment of data.
  1. Headline:Natural person whose personal data are the subject of treatment.


  1. Treatment:Any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation or suppression thereof.
  2. Terms and Conditions:General framework in which the conditions for participants of promotional or related activities are established.


Personal data processing policies should be known and applied by all officials, employees, agencies, customers and suppliers of Proquim Industrial S.A.S.

Industrial Proquim database S.A.S:

The policies and procedures apply to the database that handles Proquim Industrial S.A.S and will be recorded in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Consultation of the policy:

The Personal Data Protection Policy must be announced, presented and arranged on the official website of Proquim Industrial S.A.S "www.proquimindustrial.com presenting easy consultation and access by the public in general or by email to all suppliers.

 Rights of owners of personal data:

Personal data holders are natural persons whose personal data are subject to treatment by Proquim Industrial S.A.S.

In accordance with what is contemplated by the current applicable regulations regarding data protection, the following are the rights of the owners of the personal data, which can exercise them at any time:

  1. Access, Know, update and rectify personal data on which industrial proquim S.A.S is performing the treatment. Similarly, the holder may request at any time, that your data is updated or rectified when you find that your data is partial, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, fractionated, induce error, or those whose treatment has not been authorized, or expressly prohibited.
  2. Be informed by Proquim Industrial S.A.S, regarding the use given to your personal data.
  3. Revoke the authorization and / or request the suppression of the data when the principles, rights, and the constitutional and legal guarantees are not respected in the treatment.
  4. Request proof of the authorization granted to Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S for data processing, through any valid medium, except in cases where authorization is not necessary.
  5. Present to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, complaints for infringements to the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and the other rules that modify it, add or complement, prior procedure of consultation or requirement against Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S.
  6. Access and consult for free to your personal data. Treatment.

Update, correct, rectify or delete the titar data:

The owner of personal data can request Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S by means of an email cartera@proquimindustrial.com of requests, that your treatised personal data are updated, corrected, rectified or deleted, if you wish or if you consider that there is non-compliance with any of the duties in the general regime of personal data protection or in this policy.

In order to carry out the update, correction, rectification or deletion, the owner must process the request addressed to the person responsible or in charge of the treatment indicating:

  1. Full name and identification of the data holder.
  2. Detailed description of the facts that give place of the request.
  3. Location data of the owner such as the address, department, city and contact telephone.
  4. Description of the procedure that he wants to perform (update, correction, rectification or deletion).
  5. And if he considers it necessary to attach documents that support the application (this point is optional).

Received the request from the owner of personal data through email cartera@proquimindustrial.com of applications, with the points correctly diligentized to process it in a manner to the person responsible or in charge of the treatment, keeping the case open in a term not greater than five (5) business days from the date their reception, time when response should be answered and Solution to the request. Likewise, two (2) business days will be taken to transfer the person in charge of having a solution (competent); If the one who receives it is not legitimized to answer it, it will be fifteen (15) business days counted from the day of receipt of the application to assist it.

If he does not meet the owner with the correctly diligent points to process the request addressed to the person responsible or in charge of the treatment, the holder (interested) will be requested to correct the requirements within the following five (5) days at the date of reception. After fifteen (15) counted from the date, since the holder is asked to comply with the established requirements, and not to obtain any response or insist on the wrong procedure, it will be assimilated as a residue of the application.

If by part of Proquim Industrial SAS, it has not been possible to respond to the request within the indicated term, the holder will be informed (interested), listing and detailing the reasons why it was not possible to address his request and notify the date on The one that will be resolved.

Revoke the authorization to treat personal data:

At any time, the owner of the personal data can revoke the authorization for the treatment of his personal data supplied to Industrial Proquim S.A.S; To this end, he must manage the request addressed to the person in charge of the treatment or the one in charge of it, detailing the purpose of his request.

The owner of the personal data to be able to manage the revocation against Proquim Industrial S.A.S, must carry out the same steps and requirements enshrined in the procedure for updating, correction, rectification or suppression of personal data.

Consultations on data processing by its headlines:

Heholders will be able to consult their personal information that has Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S, who in turn will be willing to supply all the information that is linked with the identification of the owner.

With regard to the attention of requests for consultation of personal data, Proquim Industrial S.A.S guarantees:

  1. Enable electronic means of communication or others that you consider pertinent.
  2. Use email cartera@proquimindustrial.com which is part of the customer service (SAC), by means of which the service is provided, generate the contactes and the requests are processed.
  3. Offer and notify the forms, systems and other contact methods.
  4. Attend a maximum term of fifteen (15) business days, cases of requests, which will be counted from the date of application. If it is not possible to attend to it within the defined time, the interested party will be informed before his maturity, notifying the reasons for the delay and the new date on which a solution will be given. This new term may not exceed five (5) additional working days to the initial period.

Candidates resumes:

Proquim Industrial SAS does not publish offers in their communication channels for no charge within the company, for this purpose uses companies dedicated to finding talents, who have their tools and terms and conditions of use, which regulate policies against treatment of The information that enters the aspirants to start the selection process, and handle their portals for the achievement of the staff.

Proquim Industrial SAS, at the time of requiring the covering of a vacancy or opening a new square, it is processed by means of these companies, guaranteeing that the searched profile is filtered, preselected and presented by the companies specialized in the subject, and that the management of personal data, whether necessary and required.

Proquim Industrial SAS is not a company dedicated to searching, locating, channeling and contacting potential candidates for a vacancy, therefore and if for some reason a candidate gives us its resume electronically or physically by some means of contact, Proquim Industrial SAS leaves the provision of the candidate or interested, at any time the possibility of revoking the authorization for the treatment of their personal data provided to SAS Industrial Proquim in a totally voluntary manner, managing the request addressed to the person responsible for the treatment or the person in charge of the same and detailing the object of your request.

If a candidate or interested sends its resume directly to SAS industrial proquim by some means of contact, and has not been added as a preselection in a process, it is immediately proceeded to eliminate the resume of all records of Proquim Industrial SAS, guaranteeing the protection of your personal data and preventing them from being used for activities or selection processes in which the candidate does not express interest in participating.

The auto candidate of personal data must manage the revocation against Proquim Industrial S.A.S, carrying out the same steps and requirements enshrined in the procedure for its update, correction, rectification or suppression of personal data.

Data category:

ProQUIM INDUSTRIAL S.A.S In developing the principle of private autonomy, and in accordance with the treated data, and according to the current legislation, it has developed the following data classification:

  1. Personal fact:Set of information capable of relating to one or more natural persons.
  2. Public data:It is public data all that content in public documents, relating to the civil status of people, their profession or trade and their quality of merchant or public servant. They are public data, for example, the contents in the citizenship card, in public records, in judicial judgments duly executed and not subjected to reserve. Therefore, it will also be public data that is not semi-dribble, private or sensitive.
  3. Semi-dived data:It is one whose knowledge or disclosure interests its owner and a certain group of people or social sector. For example, commercial or professional activity.
  4. Private data:It is the one whose knowledge or disclosure, for having intimate and reserved nature, interests only its owner.
  5. Reserved data:It is one that has a confidential nature or a high commercial value by itself.
  6. Sensitive fact:It is one that affects the intimacy of its owner or that its improper use can generate discrimination. For example, those relating to sexual orientation, political orientation, ethnic or racial origin, religious or philosophical convictions, participation in union groups, human or social rights, among others.


Treatment of personal data of sensitive nature:

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, those affecting intimacy or improper use can generate discrimination are considered as sensitive nature.

The treatment of personal data of a sensitive nature is prohibited by law, unless it is expressed, previous and informed authorization of the holder, among other exceptions enshrined in article 6 of Law 1581 of 2012. The data of a sensitive nature are those related to:

  1. Racial or ethnic origin.
  2. Political orientation
  3. Religious / philosophical convictions.
  4. Belonging of unions, social organizations, human rights organizations or political parties.
  5. Sex life.
  6. Biometric data (such as fingerprint, signature and photo).

No activity can be conditioned that the holder supplies sensitive personal data.

 Regulatory and legal framework:

Personal data protection policies of ProQUIM Industrial S.A.S are governed by the following rules in an internal and external manner:

Law 527 of 1999:

Defines and regulates the access and use of data messages, electronic commerce and digital signatures, and certification entities are established and other provisions are issued.

Likewise, it introduces the concept of functional equivalent, electronic signature as mechanisms of authenticity, availability and confidentiality of information.

Law 1266 of 2008:

For which the general provisions of the habeas data are dictated and the management of the information contained in personal databases, especially the financial, credit, commercial, services and the one from third countries and other provisions are dictated.

Law 1273 of 2009:

Law by means of which the legal good of information and personal data is created and protected. Likewise, criminal behaviors are typified as computer damage, personal data violation, abusive access to computer system, computer data interception, felling by computer media, among others.

Law 1581 of 2012:

By which general provisions are issued for the protection of personal data.

Decree 1377 of 2013:

With which the Law 1581 of 2012 is regulated, on aspects related to the authorization of the Information Holder for the treatment of their personal data, the policies for the treatment of those responsible and managers, the exercise of the rights of information holders, Personal data transfers and demonstrated responsibility against the treatment of personal data.

Decree 368 of 2014:

By which operations are regulated through financing systems provided for in Article 45 of Law 1480 of 2011.

Decree 886 of 2014:

By which article 25 of Law 1581 of 2012, relating to the National Registry of Personal Databases, which is in charge of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, and where who act as responsible for the treatment of personal data , You must register your databases following the instructions of this Decree.

Functions of the person responsible for the treatment of personal data:

Within the functions of the person responsible for the treatment of personal data, there is the appointment of a person within the company that meets the following functions:

  1. Guarantee the development, implementation and promotion of a system that allows you to manage the risks of personal data processing.
  2. Communicate and promote a culture of data protection within the organization.
  3. Integrate and link all areas of industrial proquim S.A.S to ensure a transversal implementation of personal data protection policies.
  4. Verify and audit that the Databases of Proquim Industrial S.A.S are registered in the National Registry of Databases, and update the report according to the instructions of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.
  5. Schedule and ensure a constant training of the company in the protection of personal data.
  6. Analyze and diagnose the responsibilities of the charges within Proquim Industrial S.A.S, to lead the training program in the Protection of Personal Data.
  7. Ensure that within the analysis process of employee performance, training and use over personal data protection, is at a high level.
  8. Carry out the training and transmit responsibility to new employees than by the conditions of work, have access to databases.
  9. Organize and follow up on the implementation of internal audit plans, to verify compliance with personal data processing policies.
  10. Get when required, the declarations in accordance with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.

 Confidentiality and security of the database:

PROQUIM INDUSTRIAL S.A.S will apply the best practices for the safety, discretion, protection, storage and confidentiality of the personnel data of the headlines. It will verify when appropriate, the origin of the legal exceptions to deliver the personal data to the authorities and in the pertinent cases.

Security guarantees to the owner to personal data:

Proquim Industrial S.A.S guarantees the right to access the data holder, with prior accreditation of its identity, legitimacy and at no cost, to its personal data through different means, mainly electronic ones that allow the direct access of the owner to them. This access must be offered without any limit and must be allowed to hold the possibility of knowing them and updating them online.

Update the database:

Update the information as the data is obtained, in accordance with what is indicated in Law 1581 of 2012.

Proof of the authorization of the holder:

Keep the proof of the authorization granted by the holders of the personal data for their treatment, using digital mechanisms and security rules necessary to maintain the registration of the form and date. Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S Establishes the electronic repositories to safeguard the information.

Registration in the database record of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce:

Proquim Industrial S.A.S shall comply with the obligations that the regulations impose on it in relation to the registration and reports that it must deliver to the competent authorities. For purposes of database record, a procedure will be taken into account the following parameters:

  1. Number of databases with personal information.
  2. Number of holders for each database.
  3. Detailed information on the channels or media that are expected to serve the headlines.
  4. Type of personal data contained in each database, which is carried out, such as: identification, location, socioeconomic, sensitive or other data.
  5. Physical location of the bases of
  6. In this regard, it will be asked if the database is stored in own means, for example, file cabinets or servers (depending on whether it is a physical file or an electronic database), internal or external to the physical facilities of the person responsible.
  7. Security and / or control measures implemented in the database to minimize the risks of non-adequate use of the treated personal data.
  8. Information on whether the authorization of the holders of the data contained in the databases is available.
  9. Way of obtaining data (directly from the owner or by third parties).


Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, are complementary platforms of information disclosure (communication), which are of great interconnection of the digital media and are not under the responsibility of ProQUIM Industrial SAS for being alien to the company .

All the information that users provide in the social networks in which it participates Proquim Industrial S.A.S, as a user does not constitute a part of the personal data subject to the protection of this policy, being of total responsibility of the provider of that platform.

Commercial data processing:

PROQUIM INDUSTRIAL S.A.S will process the commercial data and financial information it deems necessary for compliance with its corporate purpose and for all holding contracts with third parties. The data of them will be treated with privacy, rights to privacy, the good name of people, within the process of treating personal data, and during all activities that the principles of confidentiality, safety, legality, access , freedom and transparency.

For this purpose, the signing of the confidentiality agreement for data delivery with all suppliers is regulated.

Treatment of data from direct employees of the company:

All data provided by employees of Proquim Industrial S.A.S will be stored, compiled, used, shared, consulted, transmitted, exchanged and transferred, to comply with the obligations derived from the employment relationship and the exercise of rights as an employer.

All information regarding employees or for ex employees of Proquim Industrial SAS, will be conserved so that the Company, can fulfill its obligations as an employer and exercise the rights that correspond to the Colombian labor legislation in that same condition. .

At the time of entry to Proquim Industrial S.A.S of new employees with employment contract, it is a requirement that at the time of the beginning of its assigned tasks, they manifest to know, accept and apply personal data protection policies.

To end the process of linking a new employee in Proquim Industrial S.A.S, it is necessary to guarantee the signature and acceptance of this policy from the employee.


Proquim Industrial S.A.S informs its employees and visitors about the existence of security mechanisms, through the notification in video surveillance ads in visible sites.

Proquim Industrial S.A.S has a video surveillance system by means of fixed cameras, installed in strategic sites within its offices and facilities, which is established in the rights of data processing for employees and natural persons. Manifesting that the information collected will only be used for employee safety purposes, natural persons, goods and assets that are contained in it. This information may be used as evidence at any time that is required, before any authority, official and private organization that requests it.

The files obtained from the video surveillance are stored in a system that has security conditions with all the rigor necessary for this purpose and only has access to the administrative area staff, in whose link the confidentiality agreement was signed.

Validity of the policy:

This policy governs from the date of its publication and leaves the other institutional provisions that may be contrary. All information not contemplated in this policy will be scheduled according to the general regime of personal data protection in force in Colombia.

The updating of personal data protection policies will depend on the instructions and guidelines of the Executive Directorate of the Industrial ProQUIM S.A.S, as well as the regulatory extensions of the surveillance and control, the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.